Local Fabrication

At our Langoya local fabrication site we can provide complete fabrication process for all types of material black steel, stainless, aluminum and more.
Trough our collaborators we can tackle the biggest and most challenging projects with no limit in size, weight or complexity.

Steel Fabrication

From cutting to welding, machining, surface protection, assembly and more...


Hydraulic schematics, installation, maintenance, power units and more..


Electric schematics, installation, repair and upgrade and more...

And more...

Partner fabrication

Trough our partners network fabrication we can deliver any project you might have. There is no limit in size, weight, material or difficulty.

Black Steel

Widely available possibilities. From small items to projects of hundreds of tons.


Specialized fabrication dedicated for stainless in clean and uncontaminated environment.


Specialized fabrication dedicated for aluminium in clean and uncontaminated environment.

And more...

For your request, please contact us.
